Hello Everybody

Welcome! This blog will cover my study abroad in Belgium! I hope you find it interesting, enjoyable, and fun. Please feel free to contact me with any questions/comments via e-mail. If you have any problems with the blog please let me know.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Having Fun

This past week was full of fun stuff. I got to see more of the farm and I learned that most of the fruits and vegetables that we eat are grown on the farm. There are little gardens all over. The property is really big. I also picked wild cherries with the dad and oldest sister and then we made jam. I also toured the local village; there are two castles here; but they are closed to the public except for easter when there is a huge easter egg hunt. This week also met the grandparents and a brother of the mom. They were really nice. The grandparents live in southern Belgium. We took a hike through the forest near their house and it looked just like Minnesota. It was kind of wierd. For everday life; I am starting to get used to everything. We went grocery shopping and one of the stores is just like Sam's club; except bigger. I got all of my school supplies for school. I am a little nervous to start school (this friday) but I am also excited because I am hoping I will make some friends. Today I start French lessons with another exchange student. I got placed in a higher class than expected; so I guess my french is coming along really well. Well; everyday life is much different; but that is partly because I am living on a farm. I wake up to the slight smell of manure everyday and since we hang our laundry outside to dry; my clothes have a slight hint of manure also. It is kind of funny and very different from the US. Okay; I am going to stop because today I am going to Brussels; so I have to go get ready.

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